Emergence of the New

Recognition of the duality «tried-traditional-tested v new-different-unknown» has led us to identify three Levels where activities and choices are sharply divergent. These are:
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Anything new must relate in some fashion to what exists or it would not be recognizable, feasible or acceptable. In practice, the new always emerges from the old: sometimes suddenly, sometimes slowly, sometimes disruptively, sometimes almost unnoticeably.
In the balanced Levels: , , and , the emergence occurs within ourselves and we handle it naturally and partly unconsciously.
In the polarized Levels, by contrast, the new manifests very differently from what exists, and must therefore be more actively handled.
The past always provides the foundation for thinking about any creative issue and for working on any creative solution. It contains ideas, methods, values and artefacts that are crucial. Anything new must take these into account and not violate them unnecessarily. Insofar as previous ideas or products are made obsolete, their functions persist. If the functions are obsolete, then the underlying human needs persist. Something always persists and whatever persists integrates the new within it. Work on giving shape to the new idea or method or object naturally uses whatever can be harvested from the past. It integrates the best or most relevant aspects into the creative effort.
So the Channel that links to is named: Integration. Click to see.
The creative process always takes place within a project that has its own parameters and demands: budgetary, personnel, technical, physical. Management often has rather little direct relation to the creative work, but it provides the necessary scaffold. For example computers must be maintained, suppliers must be paid, working space must be organized, reports must be written &c. Although much management work is administrative or uses routine methods, it all requires determination and motivation.
, what is new and different are the insights and new ideas relevant to dealing with expected obstacles or unexpected failures. These typically enable progress even if difficulties seem initially insurmountable. Ideas and insights demand proper handling. Problems and innovative solutions do not appear out of nowhere but evolve as the project is managed forward. In the same way, management of the project evolves as new notions are brought into play and obstacles are handled or bypassed.So the Channel that links to is named: Evolution. Click to see.
The new-and-different Centre in regard to is always about an emergent development—that is to say it fixes on a particular event, situation, activity, finding, or other change. What is in the tried-and-tested Centre is the positive input that you provide and get boosted via your supporters. That support is dependent on a flow of developments sufficiently confirmatory as to sustain and keep it grounded in reality. The development, however amazing, has little impact unless there are people who are willing to attend to it and be won over. That interest grounds developments and their identification. (If you lose your enthusiasm for a project, you will find that you devalue and denigrate achievements, even your own.)
So the Channel that links to is named: Grounding. Click to see.
Once you have ensured that the new may emerge, it becomes possible to
.- That is provided by Channels of influence between Centres in adjacent Levels.
Originally posted: 9-Mar-2012